Am I late to the party? Have there been other assassination specials?

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Oh, I could have a field day with Henri IV's predecessor, Henri III, who was also stabbed to death by a religious weirdo. Henri III was QUITE the character.

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Now going to start marking the calendar for long dead famous people assassinations in hopes of there being more audios.

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So funny and not the least bit on a superficial level. Do you believe in reincarnation? Your off the side reference to Roi Henri's "cornichon" made me think of another world leader whose certain part of his anatomy has been compared to a mushroom. "Cornichon" sounds probably more accurate sizewise, etc., yet has a certain, je ne sais quoi....French touch of...je ne sais quoi...not that the reincarned Henri would approve of anything French.

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Well Henri liked a good time and from what I understand wasn't always too choosy about where he put that cornichon of his.

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Neither is/was the orange reincarnation of Henri.

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Henri may have been horrible to his wives but he was brave in battle, very savvy, built up his country's economy, was religiously tolerant, and actually cared about the people of his country, so I cheerfully refuse to allow the narrative of his possible incarnation continue in this particular direction.

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If I may say, with all my appreciation of your posts on substack, your humor, your history in the kitchens of the world, if he cared so much about the people he didn't know and would never know, why was he so horrible to his wives. That's all I'm asking. Peace. Love. I will say no more.

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His father was a notorious philanderer (and probably envious of his wife) and his mother was powerful (Queen of Navarre in her own right), controlling, and abandoned her son amid a fierce war of religion where Henri's parents were on opposite sides. The fellow had some issues.

Such a pity there was no such thing as psychotherapy in the 16th century!

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