Jun 20Liked by Michael Procopio

Oh, God, I love this idea! As a sufferer of similar recurring nightmares, I so want to do this the next time a far more financially comfortable friend invites me to one of those dinner parties where the guests are required to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert. I'll dress up like Gail Patrick in My Friend Godfrey.

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Just please don't hide your pearls in Godfrey's flan.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Procopio

Never! I'm far more clever than Gail.

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And cuter.

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funny. strange.funny.

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Well, I do like to mock my own deep-seated terrors instead of fully succumbing to them.

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I do the same with my traumas, voice them out, mock them. sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not. but still I feel better admitting to them.

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My therapist would be very proud of you.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Your next blog should be called OnlyFlans.

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Heh. You know, I'm still considering starting an OnlyFans page devoted to food porn.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio


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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Delightful! Having a cat that enjoys a combo of kibble with her Gravy Lovers, but really only consumes the gravy leaving the chunky bits behind, I've resorted to doing the opposite of your story. Trader Joe's has a chocolate fix in 40 seconds that they call Molten Lava cakes, these come in ramekin size, heavy duty plastic that are dishwasher and microwave friendly and have become my favorite reusable/repurposed item that I use as cat food bowls for her and another stash for freezing leftover rice portions for me...I also look forward to restocking the supply as the cakes themselves are truly fabulous, IMO.

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I have never, ever noticed these cakes at Trader Joe's. This is probably a good thing because I would eat all of them.

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Official name is Chocolate Lava Cakes, just returned from replenishing my stock, freezer section at $2.99 for box of two, seriously amazing & a bargain!

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

I just discovered crema catalana at a lovely restaurant in Menorca (yes, I'm so fancy!). Looking online, the recipe looks a whole lot like creme brule (I'm too lazy to do the accents), but the awesome dessert I had at the restaurant was more like creme brule combined with whipped cream. Have you had this? Is the restaurant wrong, or is the Internet wrong? I am leaving this in your hands.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Menorca sounds absolutely lovely, as does crema catalana. If you told me about how much you loved the Angel Delight you discovered in Benidorm, I would start feeling concerned.

I have no idea who is wrong, but if it's delicious, who cares who's right.

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Ah, truly wise. Also, if I have to go back to Menorca to have the dessert the way I like it, this is not such a bad thing.

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I do have cats but we only give them kibbles or whatever croquettes are called in English and I do not think the large pouch sacks are adapted to making flan in. Maybe pâté Henaff cans (which is, in my opinion, very much like cat food so)?

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May need a whole new recipe - a sous vide??

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Ooooh. Pâté tins would be extra luxe!

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Look, you can always move in with us! You like 117 degree heat right? and turkeys clucking at you? There's your plan B. LOL. (love your writing always)

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Thank you! I am generally tidy and always put the lid. My sister was born in Las Vegas so it just might be a fitting locale in which to pop my own clogs, so to speak.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

This was funny and delightful. I especially love the cost-cutting measure of visiting a coffee chain for some of the ingredients, though I doubt I'd be brave enough. I'd have to at least get a tea.

Fancy Feast is pretty small, though. I think half the size of regular cat food, so this would make eight tiny ones. How much would the baking time be reduced from a full-size cat food can?

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Very happy you enjoyed this! I was having fun with the idea of Fancy Feast but I now see how people will conclude that it's the brand/can I used. I will go and fix that. The photos indicate that I used Friskies® cans (with "Meaty Bits"!) but I definitely need to make that clearer. Thank you for pointing that out.

Sadly, I have no idea how much the baking time would be reduced for such a tiny can.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Oh, I watched the Fancy Feast video and missed the Friskies! And the tiny ones are such a cute image to consider... But the overall concept is strong and will be plenty cute enough with a full-size cat-can-flan.

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Tiny, Fancy Feast-sized ones would be adorable, but yeah I'm staying on Team Friskies.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

I cannot wait to make and serve this. I feel I’d need some trial runs as I have release fears. As a therapist ($100 Canadian an hour) I’d be very interested in the beautiful can architecture you describe. You do lead a rich and curious life it seems.

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The architecture varies. Possibly adjusts itself to the level of my anxieties. But really, whether you choose to make this in cat tins or not, it's the recipe that first made me notice Mr. Andres. It's really, really good.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

It’s a delight to see this one again, and to remember the good old days when therapy was $90/hr.

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I've lived in my apartment for 20 years. I've been seeing my therapist for 18. I like to think of them both as more or less rent-controlled.

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I never imagined I'd receive this sort of comment when I first started writing about food.

I am SO GLAD it's come to this.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Where can I find a therapist who only charges $90/hr? Industry standard where I live is more in the range of $180-$220!

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I think my therapist just feels sorry for me and knows I really need the sessions.

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I think you all need to move to England- therapy MUCH cheaper and we have pensions.. also healthcare. Not good healthcare but it’s free………

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I'll be keeping a close eye on the general election. Who had the brilliant idea to schedule it on the 4th of July?

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Well, as you’ve probably noticed, the current incumbents of Number 10 are full of brilliant ideas. And that was the date chosen by the various aides etc who wanted to be sure that their bets would come good...

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That poor man suffered a childhood bereft of Sky TV. We must be kind.

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We must. And besides, he has given me such hope: despite such deprivation, he has become Prime Minister; I grew up with a black and white TV that could only get BBC1, which surely puts me first in line for world domination.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Flaaaahhhhnnn in a caaaahhhhnnn. Fancy feasting!

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You said a mouthful. And with the correct accent to boot.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Tell me your dreams and I will love you even more. You have lived a perfect life Michael. I match you with No Regrets. I will be making miniature flan in the tiny cans we buy for Stanley. I can't wait to see my mother's face when I serve them. (she was raised in Hollywood in the 40s and is a strange combination of Mary Poppins and Audrey Hepburn). ❤️

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Why do I feel an Edith Piaf song coming on? I look forward to leaning Audrey Poppins's reaction to dessert!

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Procopio

There’s a Dr. Seuss parody in here somewhere

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Well the title does practically scream for one.

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Procopio

Flan in a Can for a Man without a Pan.

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Or a plan.

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Jun 19Liked by Michael Procopio

Clever men bring me joy.

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Me too, Allison, me too...

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Procopio

“Oh! I could eat would Flan in a Can”

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Jun 18Liked by Michael Procopio

would eat*

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